Major catchup on things: what has happened so far
Hey everyone! It's been a while. 🙂 Ever since my last major update on my portfolio, I haven't been able…
Yearly Portfolio Report – 2022
With no quarterly report to speak of during all of 2022, it's a bit silly to split up the past year now, especially since it would be challenging to find the exact numbers of my crypto positions; instead, I'll be giving you a long-awaited update on my personal portfolio for the entirety of 2022!
How to Start Freelancing for Holiday Cash
With the winter holiday season over, many people will already be looking at the summer. To help pay for them, you might be interested in finding new ways to earn money. Nowadays, there are many opportunities to earn cash online or provide unique services. You can find something that works for you. In this guest post, Kathryn Rucker delves deeper into the topic of freelancing to gather some extra cash for the holidays.
Apartment progress: 100% – Ready for renting out!
After my last update, I couldn't give any more visual updates as everything continued inside, where I was prohibited from entering alone. On top of that, I was busy preparing for significant professional changes, and our daughter still proved to be a bad sleeper giving us very little sleep and time in the evening. But I'm happy to announce the apartment is finished as of July 2022!
My monthly Savings Rate report: July 2022
This month was a very tough one financially. I had to take out all the cash I had left to pay for the last bills of the apartment, which was not enough, but more about that later. Luckily, these are the last main expenses for the apartment. I even got the excellent news someone has already rent it out, starting in September, for €1250. Besides the finalization of my apartment, this month is notable for another reason. It’s my last month as an employee!