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View from on top and over the glacier

Forgive me for I have sinned

Last Updated on March 21, 2019 by Mr. FightToFIRE

Ok, that is probably a tad bit overdramatic. Though it is correct.
I didn’t follow my advice and bought something I wanted, not something I needed.
What did I exactly get? I got myself a new (Bataleon) snowboard and Burton binding and went snowboarding in the Austrian Alpes.

The trip was a welcome break and everyone needs the occasional relaxation. It wasn’t something I had to do since I could have had fun closer to home. Though going into the mountains and being able to go down the slopes at 60, 70 or even 90 kph is a wonderful feeling you can’t experience anywhere else but in the mountains.

I left on Friday evening (01/03/2019) and arrived back home on the morning of March 10. I already planned and subscribed at my local tour agency last year and knew this would have a large impact on my savings rate for the month of February. What wasn’t as planned was the new snowboard. While I wanted a new board for quite a while I never really got around to it, but with my trip coming up I figured it would be the perfect time to get it.

Photo of the Bataleon Goliath 161W snowboard and a pair of red Burton Cartel bindings

The snowboard (and binding)

The biggest “transgression” is probably the purchase of a new board and binding. It took me months before I decided to buy it. I wanted a snowboard that would fit me for at least 10 years like my first one (that I received as a graduation gift). In the end, I purchased it on 18 February.

As with all my bigger expenses, I really took the time before purchasing by doing thorough research about the topic at hand, in this case, the snowboard + binding. I wanted to be sure I would make the correct purchase.

To get the best fit I got my advice from various online sources (good old Google search to the rescue). Based on the info I found through my searches I had two boards in mind. But I wanted some additional opinions so I gave my asked the opinion of the lovely folks on the subreddit /r/snowboarding. They were invaluable in deciding what fit me best.

In the end, after months of pondering I decided to get the Bataleon Goliath 161W. It’s a board that fits my weight and is more suited for my changed riding style (all mountain). After having actually used it, I noticed a clear difference and I’m happy with my choice.
As for bindings, I decided to trust the reviews and go with a safer choice: Burton Cartel size L.

Since we were reaching the end of the season I was able to get my gear for a relatively decent price.
Unfortunately, I paid a bit more for the bindings but I was sure I would get them together and on time.

  • Bataleon Goliath: € 439,96
  • Burton Cartel L: € 290,00
  • Tool to fasten screws on the go: € 21,99

For a total (incl. insured shipping) of € 764,45.

The trip

A friend of skiing in the Austrian Alps.
A friend of skiing in the Austrian Alps.

An action shot of one of my friends with whom I go out into the mountains.

Glacier slope on a sunny day

Another nice view from the mountains from one of the slopes on the glacier

Windy but sunny day on the Zillertal glacier

People facing the strong winds on the Zillertal glacier on an otherwise sunny day.

View from on top and over the glacier

A beautiful view from on top the Zillertal glacier with the Schlegeisspeicher at the bottom.

Me snowboarding in the Austrian Alps.

Me in action on one of the slopes of the Hintertux Glacier.

This snowboard trip is the first holiday I share since I started this blog. It’s my first big expense I write about. to be clear, I’ve been on (snowboard) trips before but it’s the first time I have marked what it costs up-front, and how it impacts my Savings Rate. It’s clear from my updated SR status I was only about to save a fraction of my normal level: 8.76% vs. +70%.

While there are other and cheaper ways to enjoy a snowboard trip and I definitely didn’t have to buy a new board, but it’s a sport I savor, and together with electronics(/gadgets) and cinema, is not something I like to penny-pinch on. It’s a week where I do what I love:

  • The mountains
  • Snowboarding
  • Company of friends
  • Luxury (sauna, swimming pool, etc.)
  • Good food

When all is said and done, my SR is still positive. On top of that, after this trip, I have no major trips planned that will rip out a big part of my SR.

my fight towards FIRE is a fight because I have to strike a balance between my wants and needs in such a way I can reach my target FIRE-age of 40 – 45 with a certain (above average) degree of luxury. Of course, I could cut all luxury from my life but I don’t want to miss out on certain things in life if those things are in danger of disappearing because of global warming (snow and glaciers).
So, I go snowboarding, knowing it’ll eat away my SR for the month.

I'm a developer for a major financial institution in Belgium that is present in over 40 countries. I have over 8 years of working experience in the development of customer applications focussing on all aspects of banking. This helped me gain a deep understanding of the inner workings of a commercial bank. All of this experience in both banking and life culminates in this blog about personal finance and my fight towards FIRE.

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B at Fire The Boss

With your overall savings rate you’ll be fine. Your sins could be forgiven now 🙂

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