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My monthly Savings Rate report: July 2022

This month was a very tough one financially. I had to take out all the cash I had left to pay for the last bills of the apartment, which was not enough, but more about that later. Luckily, these are the last main expenses for the apartment. I even got the excellent news someone has already rent it out, starting in September, for €1250. Besides the finalization of my apartment, this month is notable for another reason. It’s my last month as an employee!

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Wallet with euro coins

My monthly Savings Rate report: June 2022

With a lot of things going on at the same time these past few months, I haven’t had the time to write anything. As a result, this Savings Rate report is more than three months behind. Eventhough it’s been so long, I still want to catch up and have a complete year overview by the end of 2022. To that end, I’m sharing the month of June. I saw some significant evolutions in terms of expenses due to some major changes in my financial situation.

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Wallet with euro coins

My monthly Savings Rate report: May 2022

With a lot of things going on at the same time these pas few months, I haven’t had the time to write anything. As a result, this Savings Rate report follows two months after its month ends. While May seems already a distant memory, it’s a month wherein many things started to unfold. Like always, I will start with this month’s income and then get into my expenses while at the same time detailing the reasons for the purchase.

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Wallet with euro coins

My monthly Savings Rate report: April 2022

Apologies I haven’t been able to post much in recent weeks, but a lot has been going on. In the meantime, I found some time to provide you with my monthly Savings Rate. Since we were abroad from the 21st of April till the 5th of May this report will contain a higher expense in the holiday category as I put everything I spend during my trip there. On top of that, some of the shared expenses weren’t paid back yet increasing this months expenses.

While the expenses were higher due to the holidays, I also got a higher income.

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Wallet with euro coins

My monthly Savings Rate report: March 2022

Quarter one of 2022 has passed with the end of March. Time seems to be flying by faster and faster as I get older. At times I’m happy about this, such as the current state of the world. I hope that as time progress there is light at the end of the tunnel.
But at other times I just wish it didn’t, like when I’m playing with my daughter. To help pass these relative times I receive a monthly salary from my employer, and this month is no different. Let’s take a look at how I managed it this month.

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