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My monthly Savings Rate report: April 2021

April was amazing! From both an income and expenses point of view, I achieved my best result in months. I continue the substantial savings I started in March in large part, thanks to my profit participation.
On the expenses side, my wife and I were finally able to limit our grocery bill a bit. The month changed right on time, though; on the 2nd of May, we are married one year, so that called for a celebration which of course means a higher food bill ;).

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Wallet with euro coins

My monthly Savings Rate report: March 2021

March turned out to be a good month for my Savings Rate.  While on the expenses side I spend a lot on the home and ownership part and again on food, I also received a nice extra on the income side thanks to evening deployments for work. I ended up doing a bit of work between 1 am and 3 am.

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Wallet with euro coins

My monthly Savings Rate report: February 2021

2021 really kicked into high gear this month. While we didn’t go on holiday due to Corona, we did make rather large expenses for something life-changing. I’m talking about the baby of course.
In February I made two large purchases for her arrival. We bought the stroller and the car seat. Especially the car seat is not something you want to save on. Next to that, there was also the second payment for our new bed. 3 big expenses means a very low Savings Rate. I was really close to my first negative month.

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Wallet with euro coins

My monthly Savings Rate report: January 2021

A new year, a new start to my monthly Savings Reports. Will this new start be a better one than last year or will it be barely positive like last year? time to dive into my January expenses and find out!
Unlike last year, we didn’t go on a holiday, so at least that big expense drops. Because of Corona we also didn’t visit family so gifts were limited as well. As for the income side of things, that was very good as well.

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Wallet with euro coins

My monthly Savings Rate report: December 2020

December, the month of Christmas and New Years’. Lots of celebrations meaning some bigger expenses. This wasn’t any different this year even with corona. We just did it on our own and just handed over the gifts outside. We went a little wild with food but my income was higher so it balanced things out a little bit.

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