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My monthly Savings Rate report: October 2020

This page can contain affiliate partner links to products that I purchased this month.

Nothing happened! A strange thing to be excited about, right? Well, after quite some busy months, it’s a nice change of pace I’d say.
Though it’s not really true if I’m honest. I took up three weeks of on-call at work resulting in a nice bump in salary this month. So my statement really only applies to my expenses.

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Since every second of life is Valuable, everyone is a Millionaire in the end
Signing the deed at the notary

Apartment progress: 15%

A couple of weeks have passed and the construction is making good progress. The foundation and base plate is placed. How do I know? As the project progress, I receive invoices for said construction. Last week Friday I received the invoice for the finalization of the foundation works.

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Wallet with euro coins

My monthly Savings Rate report: August 2020

August was a bit more expensive than expected. Mainly because the summer sales got moved to this month. I tried my best not to fall for the tricks they try to apply every year and I think I succeeded very well. But even then, I did buy a few things I needed.

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