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My monthly Savings Rate report: April 2020

April was the prelude to a life-changing May. Quite a few preparations were made in April for a big moment in May so it's only a given that some money was spent. Add to that the higher grocery expenses due to the corona measures and you can already guess that April wasn't a cheap month. Luckily I received my profit participation which prevented me from going negative.

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Luxury interior Residence Schuman

Coronavirus impact on my new apartment

Because of lockdown and social distancing rules, many constructions sites have come to a halt. Just like my newly bought, yet to be completed apartment. I mailed my contractor to see what the impact will be for the Brussel’s apartment. I’m still waiting for a responses, but I expect something like: “we’re doing our utmost best to limit the impact but ”a small” delay is possible”.

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6 cheap ways to keep busy at home

This post contains affiliate links to books that I have bought.

Being stuck inside for longer periods is never fun, whether it’s because you have the flu, or because the rest of the world has it and you don’t know who exactly so you are locked up for three weeks now, with no end in sight yet. To help with the boredom I’ve tried to do some new things, or at the very least pick something up that I wanted to do for a long time but never got to, for… reasons.

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Wallet with euro coins

My monthly Savings Rate report: March 2020

This page can contain affiliate partner links to products that I purchased this month.

Well, this was an interesting month for obvious reasons. The Coronavirus took a hold of the world this month after it caused a lockdown in China. It’s not exaggerated to say the coronavirus has the world in its grip. The upside to this for me personally is that it means I barely made any expenses besides groceries. I did make one large purchase after receiving a tax deduction on my apartment.

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