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Receiving the keys to our own home

6 reasons why you should(n’t) get a turnkey apartment

If you would have told me 2 years ago I was going to get a turnkey home, I’d have a good laugh and move on. In my mind, I had already worked out that I wanted my house to be build from scratch or at least heavily renovated to modern standards. Boy, was I wrong…

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Having savings is important to protect your wellbeing

Money can’t buy happiness but saving it might cheer you up

There is a famous saying that money can’t buy you happiness. That may be true, but having money sure can help in gaining happiness. If there is one thing that the corona pandemic has shown us, is that saving for a rainy day isn’t such a bad idea. It can prevent a lot of unhappiness.

It is also no secret how we feel about ourselves and the world, in general, is connected to how much money we have, and savings play a big part in that.

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Wallet with euro coins

My monthly Savings Rate report: July 2020

If I had to describe July in one month it would be 'fun'. Bit of a weird thing to say during a pandemic, no? Thanks to a couple of trips and celebrating my wife's graduation from her Master (yeaaaah! well done!) we were able to forget the return of the coronavirus.

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Receiving the keys to our own home

Buying a first home: pay attention to these costs

Having gone through the process of buying my own home I wanted to share all the costs that came with this crazy adventure. There are a lot of costs associated with getting your first home, whether it's a house or apartment. I was quite honestly a little surprised by all the paperwork and meetings that come with it. This overview should cover the majority of costs, both recurring and one-time for both the notary and the bank. 

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Wallet with euro coins

My monthly Savings Rate report: June 2020

After a live-changing May, June was a lot less crazy. That is not to say that nothing happened in June. I actually invested quite a bit in the site. These investments made my SR drop but thanks to my holiday pay, I was able to keep the damage to a minimum.

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