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Curve card review

Curve Card Review: The best Card To Rule Them All!

My Curve Debit MasterCard has been in my possession for over a month now, so I figured I’d share my experience with everyone having it used both in Belgium and abroad (in South America). Eventhough it’s only been one month, this card has been impressive. Thanks to unique features and ease of use, it’s a must-have for everyone!

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Update: As of 1 June 2022, CRO cuts cashback rates and stake rewards on all cards. On top of that, there is a cashback limit of 25 and 50 USD for Ruby and Jade/Indigo respectively. This effectively reduces the appeal of the cards and the CRO ecosystem considerably. The below experiences are based on everything before this cut.

With over 12 months of use with my Visa debit card, I figured I’d share my experience with everyone.
For myself, this card has been an excellent addition to my credit cards. I improve my portfolio without doing anything thanks to the cashback this crypto card provides.

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