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Quarterly Portfolio Report - growing stack of coins

Quarterly Portfolio Report – Q3 & Q4 2021

Total portfolio worth (all in)
Total portfolio worth (Savings & Effects)

While I still reported the first half of 2021, ever since my daughter came into my life, I lacked time to create a Q3 report. This report will thus be for the last half of 2021, i.e., Q3 and Q4.

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Wallet with euro coins

My monthly Savings Rate report: December 2021

December was, on all accounts, a special month. It’s, of course, the last month of the year, but also in terms of expenses and income. We traveled to South America to visit my wife’s family, the in-laws. Suffice to say, this had a major impact on my expenses but not because of the airplane as this was already paid for a couple of months before, no, it was groceries, a 4-day resort trip, and even some baby stuff.

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