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Quarterly Portfolio Report - growing stack of coins

Quarterly Portfolio Report – Q4 2020

Last Updated on January 25, 2021 by Mr. FightToFIRE
Total portfolio worth (all in)
Total portfolio worth (Savings & Effects)

Here we are, at yet another year-end. This is the third time I close my portfolio; and how! What a ride. Corona had a huge impact on me personally but also on my financial situation and in a good way even!

To the moon!

Unlike in the 3rd quarter, this fourth and final quarter of 2020 was crazy. First and foremost because of the American elections. With Biden’s win, things are going to stay interesting in 2021.

Second, because the stock market was like the gift that kept on giving I bought extra shares and stocks to ride the bullish waves using margin.
From 0 EUR borrowed capital in September I systematically increased it to 12,000 EUR by the end of December. However, since it’s clear as day that the construction of my apartment won’t be delivered before the end of 2021, I intend to top up my account with an extra 15,000 EUR somewhere this month.

I also sold a stock: Ubisoft (Ticker: UBI1). The reason for my Ubisoft purchase was to ride the waves of online gaming but instead, it remained flat (unlike EA for example). Having bought this stock a little over a year ago and to reduce opportunity cost, I decided to cut my losses. Instead of Ubisoft, I decided to get into Corsair Gaming (Ticker: CRSR).

Talking about losers, Kinepolis (Ticker: KIN) is another one I should cut out, but because of its excellent track-record before corona, I’m hesitant. I actually bought more on the initial dip in March 2020. 2021 is shaping up to be a critical year for the Kinepolis group. With multiple blockbusters going straight to streaming at worst or streaming and released in cinema at best, it remains to be seen if Kinepolis can keep growing like they did pre-corona.

Another crazy change was my Cryptocurrency investments. From deep red in March 2020, I steadily climbed out of the red and into the green with a doubling of my investment just recently.

My other investments, such as my portfolio with Beobank, also performed excellently but not nearly as stellar as the others.

You could already see how much the tally is, but putting it in my table makes the gains of the last quarter really stand out.

Quarter Savings & Effects (€) All (€) QoQ S&E % (€) QoQ ALL %
18Q3 50,251.59
18Q4 56,811.63 +13.054 (+6,560.04)
19Q1 65,722.80 +15.68 (+8,911.18)
19Q2 76,618.85 +16.58 (+10,896.05)
19Q3 83,709.46 +9.25 (+7,090.61)
19Q4 91,002.34 +8.71 (+7,292.88)
20Q1 58,583.88 -95,791.12 -35.62 (-32,418.46)
20Q2 108,574.27 -45,800.73 +85.33 (+49,990.39) 52.186%
20Q3 112,823.77 -41,551.23 +3.913 (+4,249.50) +9.278%
20Q4 121,496.24 -32,873.76 +7.687 (+8,672.47) +26.396%

USD rate used: 1 USD = 0.818630 EUR

Personal portfolio overview

The market recovery continued all the way till the end of 2020 but not on equal terms. Kinepolis (Ticker: KIN), a Belgian movie theater company, is still at the lower end of the spectrum.

Also, my more recent purchases such as Corsair Gaming and the Chinese Tencent are in red. Tencent, together with Alibaba are my plays in the Chinese market that I hope to play out in full in the coming year(s).

In terms of profits, all my stocks made an excellent performance. My top contributors for 2020 are:

Name (Ticker) Performance (%) Contribution to portfolio gain (%)
NVIDIA (NVDA) 102.92 7.19
ISHARES CORE S&P 500 (CSPX) 6.03 2.15
SOFINA (SOF) 45.14 1.08

Dividing it according to financial instruments and asset class looks as followed:

Portfolio allocation 2020
My portfolio allocation in 2020.

Talking about gains, my dividend payout for 2020 was lower than expected, I only received 328.19 EUR. You can see the distribution across 2020 in the below graph:

Overview of dividends received in 2020
These are all the dividends I received in 2020 through my personal portfolio with

And the rest? Nothing but rising stock prices. Well, besides Alibaba.

Combining my personal investment portfolio gives me the following status:

  • 61,735.65 EUR
    • Profit: 11,735.65 EUR or an increase of 23.4713%.
    • Increase: 8.489% over the previous quarter (coming from 56,905.14 EUR)
    • Negative cash balance of -12,863.44 EUR
Description Amount Amount in EUR
EUR stocks 63,376.45 EUR 63,376.45
USD stocks 13709.05 USD 11,222.64
Total Stocks 74,599.09
Cash -12,863.44
Total 61,735.65

EUR stocks

Symbol Description Sector Quantity Close Price Cost Basis Current Value (Un)realized Profit/Loss % Gain/Loss
Total  55,243.13 63,376.45  8,133.32  14.72
AED AEDIFICA Real estate 40 98.30 3,373.79 3,932.00 558.21 16.54
AED.CASH AEDIFICA CASH DIVIDEND PLACEHOLDER Real estate 40 1.03 38.44 41.20 2.76 7.18
ASML ASML holding Technology 5 397.55 1,945.26 1,987.75 42.49 2.184
COFB COFINIMMO Financials 10 121.80 1,131.10 1,218.00 86.90 7.68
SXRG ISHARES MSCI US SML CAP ACC Broad 15 343.70 4,030.82 5,155.50 1,124.68 27.90
SXR1 (/CPXJ) ISHARES CORE MSCI PACIF X-JP ETF Broad 40 136.36 5,031.07 5,454.40 423.33 8.41
DX2J X MSCI EUROPE SMALL CAP ETF Broad 50 51.23 1,766.06 2,561.50 795.44 45.04
CSSX5E (/CSX5) ISHARES CORE EURO STOXX 50 ETF Broad 30 118.20 3,307.94 3,546.00 238.06  7.196
HOMI HOME INVEST BELGIUM Financials 8 115.50 702.83 924.00 221.17 31.47
IUS3 ISHARES S&P SMALL CAP 600 Broad 100 60.30 5,369.04 6,030.00 660.95 12.31
KIN KINEPOLIS Consumer Cyclicals 150 34.75 5,411.48 5,212.50 -198.98 -3.68
NNND Tencent Holding LTD technology 25 59.40 1,561.42 1,485.00 -76.42 -4.89
RBOT ISHARES AUTOMATION&ROBOTIC-A ETF Broad 400 9.65 2,637.92 3,858.80 1,220.88 46.28
SBIO INVESCO NASDAQ BIOTECH ETF Broad 85 39.91 3,024.85 3,392.78 367.93 12.16
SOF SOFINA Diversified 5 277.00 732.53 1,385.00 652.47 89.07
SPYD (/USDV) SPDR US dividend aristocrats Broad 65 47.35 3,067.95 3,077.75 9.80 0.32
Ishares Core S&P500 UCITS Broad 35 306.92 9,084.69 10,742.27 1,657.58 18.245
UBI UBISOFT ENTERTAINMENT Technology 20 77.06 1,543.86 1,541.20 -2.66 -0.17
XLVS Source HLTH care S&P US SECT Broad 8 421.50 3,025.91 3,372.00 346.09 11.44

USD stocks

The below table contains my stocks denominated in USD. Since the currency rate fluctuates daily, it impacts the total portfolio wealth counter. To keep it simple I will use the rate applicable at the time of writing every quarter (give or take a day). You can find the rate used at the top of this page.

Symbol Description Sector Quantity Close Price Cost Basis Current Value Unrealized Profit/Loss % Gain/Loss
Total 11,528.63 13,709.05 2180.43  18.91
BABA Alibaba Group Holding Communications 5 232.73 832.89 1,163.65 330.76 39.71
CRSR Corsair Gaming Technology 100 36.22 3868.47 3,622.00 -246.47 -6.37
NVDA NVIDIA CORP Technology 15 522.20 5788.66 7,833.00 2044.34  35.32
TSM Taiwan Semiconductor SP ADR Technology 10 109.04 1,038.61 1,090.40 51.80  4.99

Actively managed portfolio

My Beobank investment account made an amazing recovery which makes the return half-decent after more than 5 years.

I now have a positive return of 34.75% or an annualized return of 5.76%. Not super low, but given the past years, anything but stellar.

Pension fund

As with my other portfolios, the pension fund fluctuated a bit but nothing major.

Important of this portfolio is that I stopped the automatic deposit. I will not add to this account and most likely will leave it alone as of now. I’d even dare to say that I will let it alone till my retirement.

I’m now at 7.468% profit.

Alternative investments

I call them investments but they are more like speculative positions. This is with good reason. This quarter was full of ups and downs.
I took this as a calculated risk (especially the cryptocurrency one) expecting to reap the benefits in the longer term but for now it’s not going anywhere.

Coinbase cryptocurrency account

Wow! Just wow. In this last quarter, my Coinbase account skyrocketed to new highs I have never seen before.

I opened this account in March 2018 just after the peak, and it took till Q4 to climb out of this deep valley. I reached my lowest point back in March 2020 when I hit 92.70 EUR. In less than 10 months my cryptocurrencies shoot to 980.81 EUR which is an increase of 958.047%!

Unfortunately, it’s impossible to get the history of all my cryptos on 31/12/2020 so I will take the most recent numbers (09/01/2021).

Nr. Inception date Coin Cost Basis Current Value % Gain/Loss
567.27 985.84 73.787
1 March 2018 Bitcoin (BTC) 131.08 572.17 336.504
2 March 2018 Litecoin (LTC) 351.90 279.24 -20.65
3 January 2021 Etherium (ETH) 28.69 38.80 35.24
4 September 2020 Stellar Lumens (XLM) 4.69 23.52 401.493
5 September 2020 Compound (COMP) 16.04 21.41 33.48
6 September 2020 EOS (EOS) 8.45 10.86  28.52
7 November 2020 Maker (MKR) 5.04 14.08  179.365
8 November 2020 Algorand (ALGO) 5.08 7.62    50.00
9 January 2021 Cosmos (ATOM) 5.16 5.91  7.267
10 January 2020 Aave (AAVE) 3.73 4.89  31.10
11 December 2020 Filecoin (FIL) 4.95 3.65 -26.26
12 December 2020 Band protocol (BAND) 2.46 3.69  50.00

Savings accounts

The end of the year is the time I receive my interest. I just received a bit of interest on the money I have in my savings accounts. My emergency fund is larger than ever: 24545.55 EUR or an increase of 0.014% compared to last quarter.

Real estate portfolio

I know you can’t combine the cash I already put into the apartment and the mortgage since one is an asset and the other one a liability so I made two tables. One has my (growing) asset, the apartment. The other table contains the liability, my mortgage, that I will pay off month by month.
Finally, a change will take place. As of April 2021, I will start paying off this mortgage.



I'm a developer for a major financial institution in Belgium that is present in over 40 countries. I have over 8 years of working experience in the development of customer applications focussing on all aspects of banking. This helped me gain a deep understanding of the inner workings of a commercial bank. All of this experience in both banking and life culminates in this blog about personal finance and my fight towards FIRE.

Quarterly Portfolio Reports
1. Quarterly Portfolio Report – Q3 2018
2. Quarterly Portfolio Report – Q4 2018
3. Quarterly Portfolio Report – Q1 2019
4. Quarterly Portfolio Report – Q2 2019
5. Quarterly Portfolio Report – Q3 2019
6. Quarterly Portfolio Report – Q4 2019
7. Quarterly Portfolio Report – Q1 2020
8. Quarterly Portfolio Report – Q2 2020
9. Quarterly Portfolio Report – Q3 2020
10. Quarterly Portfolio Report – Q4 2020
11. Quarterly Portfolio Report – Q1 2021
12. Quarterly Portfolio Report – Q2 2021
13. Quarterly Portfolio Report – Q3 & Q4 2021
14. Yearly Portfolio Report – 2022
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Marc Moore

One of my favorite blog posts to read and great to see your portfolio is rising so well and fast!
I am also going to make a large additional investment in January!

I just have some issues with your numbers:
EUR stocks: 63,376.45 EUR
USD stocks: 13,709.05
That equals: 77.085
Which does not match your asset allocation picture where it says 74k

Additionally if I add
activly managed portfolio: 26,383.18
Pension fund: 7300.77
Crypto: 985.84
Saving accounts: 24,545.55

I’m at about 135.000

I’m having trouble to see where the 121k comes from at the top in your blog.

Can you enlighten me?

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